- One child (or teacher) stands in front of the class with some cards that have words or sentences on them.
- She secretly chooses one of the cards, counts how many letters there are in the word or sentence, and draws a dash for each letter on the board, leaving a space between each word.
- The other children take turn, either individually or as team members, to guess the spelling of the words.each child calls out a letter (with phonic pronounciation), and if the words contains that letter, the child in front of of the class writes the letter in all spaces where it appears in the word or sentences.
- If the word doesn't containthe letter, one part of an alien is drawn on the board. The alien could have a body, a head, four legs, and two tentacles, and the aim of the game is for a team to spell the words or sentences before their alien is completely drawn.
- When the words are used that the children have not encountered before, the child in front of the class has cards with words on one slide, and pictures on the other.
- When the children playing game have choosen the correct language for the spaces on the board, the child wth the cards reveals the picture to the class.
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