
  1. The children draw "feeling badges". Each badge illustrates an emotion such as a happy or sad face. 
  2. They then place the badge down on the table or floor. 
  3. One child picks up a badge, puts it on and makes appropriate sentence, such as I'm happy, and puts an appropriate facial expression or mime the feeling. 
  4. The children then wear the badges and play a game. 
  5. Each child speaks in a way that fits the badge she is wearing. For example, if the children are playing a flash card game, the children with the "happy" badge speaks very happily when identifying a flash card, and the child with "sad" badge speaks very sadly.
The children can also perform other langauge tasks sucha as count from 20 to 1, or say the months of the year with voices and expressions that fit their badges. The tasks can be drawn from a pile of flash cards, assigned by the teacher, or decided by the children.


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