English children game: Cards

Previous English Games For Children <---- Blindfolded questions


Use playing cards, and play any card games.

  1. Write the number of cards on the board (e.g. 10, 9, 8, ...) in a list.
  2. Next to each number, write a words you would like the children to read or practice (e.g. 10 is big, 9 is small).
  3. When the children play on eof the cards during the games, they either read the corresponding words, or make a sentence using it. For example, whe a child plays a 10, she could say Elephants are big
  4. Start with the easy words, and while they are playing, change some of the words, gradually making them more difficult and introducing ne words.
  • The game usually works better if every card does not have a corresponding word so that the folow of the game is nto broken too much.


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